News list for " naval"

Renowned investor Naval: The world's transition to a decentralized financial system will take time

Naval Ravikant, a prominent Silicon Valley angel investor, wrote in an X post: "The world's transition to a decentralised financial system will take time. We are currently less than 5 per cent of our target in terms of market capitalisation."

2024-12-12 04:34:10
知名投资人Naval :世界向去中心化金融体系的过渡需要时间

硅谷知名天使投资人Naval Ravikant在X发文表示:“世界向去中心化金融体系的过渡需要时间。从市值来看,我们目前还不到目标的5%。”

2024-12-12 04:34:10
The Southern Theater organizes naval and air forces to carry out combat readiness police patrols in the waters and airspace around the territorial waters of Huangyan Island, China

On November 28th, on November 28th, the Southern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized naval and air forces to conduct combat readiness police patrols in the waters and airspace around the territorial waters of Huangyan Island in China. Since November, the Theater has organized naval and air forces to continuously strengthen the patrols and airspace around the territorial waters of Huangyan Island, further strengthen the control of relevant maritime and airspace, resolutely s...

2024-11-28 09:04:27
Southern Theater Organization Sea and Air Force Location China Huangyan Island Territorial Sea, Airspace and Surrounding Area Combat Police Patrol

On November 13th, on November 13th, the Southern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized combat readiness police patrols in the territorial waters and airspace of Huangyan Island and surrounding areas of China. This is a patrol and vigilance activity carried out by the troops in the theater according to law.

2024-11-13 05:17:47
Investor Naval: Most crypto projects fail because the founding team gets rich prematurely

Investor Naval wrote on X: Most crypto projects fail because the founding team gets rich too early and you can't recruit new members. In response, Muliticoin founder Kyle commented that yes, the best founders are not entirely financially driven. It is reported that Naval is a well-known angel investor in Silicon Valley, having invested in well-known technology companies such as Twitter and Uber. He is also a successful entrepreneur who founded the equity crowdfunding platform AngelList.

2024-11-04 02:35:55
Argentina smashes cryptocurrency mining equipment smuggling ring

Argentine tax officials and naval security personnel joined forces to dismantle a large smuggling ring of bitcoin mining equipment. In this "major operation", the Argentine Navy General Administration (PNA) and the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) conducted multiple raids and seized hundreds of high-end mobile phones, graphics cards and mining components. According to officials, the gang used "crypto investments" to launder money and smuggle in cities such as Mal de Plata and Bahi...

2024-09-23 08:02:16
Argentina's tax authorities and coast guard team dismantle a bitcoin mining machine "smuggling ring"

According to local media reports, Argentine tax officials and naval security officials said they had thwarted a major "smuggling" ring of bitcoin mining machines. The Argentine Naval Prefecture and the national tax authority, AFIP, conducted several raids in a joint "large-scale" operation.

2024-09-23 07:17:03
Renowned investor Naval Ravikant: Cryptocurrency is the currency of AI

Silicon Valley angel investor Naval Ravikant said at X that cryptocurrency is the currency of AI. Naval is a well-known angel investor in Silicon Valley. He has invested in well-known technology companies such as Twitter and Uber. He is also a successful entrepreneur. He founded the equity crowdfunding platform AngelList and published the famous book "Naval Book".

2024-08-27 07:47:44
知名投资人 Naval Ravikant:加密货币是AI的货币

硅谷知名天使投资人 Naval Ravikant 在 X 表示,加密货币是 AI 的货币。 Naval 是硅谷知名的天使投资人,他投资过推特、优步等知名科技公司,同时也是一名成功的创业者,创办了股权众筹平台 AngelList,曾出版知名书籍《纳瓦尔宝典》。

2024-08-27 07:47:44
Naval: Crypto VC is unnecessary

Naval, a well-known investor in Silicon Valley, recently posted on the X platform that crypto VCs are largely unnecessary. Subsequently, Adam Cochran, founder of Cinneamhain Ventures, left a message in the comment area to remind: "But you are involved in SX Network, OpenSea, Mystiko, Anchorage, Starkware, Proof of Play, Ambient, Magic, Republic, Stellar, Monad, dWallet, Agoric, Cover, XMTP, Hashnode, Bitwise, Chia Network, Gitcoin, Superrare, Anchor Protocol, FEI, Axelar, Polymarket, Unstoppable...

2024-07-18 11:22:17

硅谷著名投资人 Naval 近日在 X 平台发文表示,加密 VC 很大程度上都是不必要的。随后,Cinneamhain Ventures 创始人 Adam Cochran 在评论区留言提醒道:“但你参与了 SX Network、OpenSea、Mystiko、Anchorage、Starkware、Proof of Play、Ambient、Magic、Republic、Stellar、Monad、dWallet、Agoric、Cover、XMTP、Hashnode、Bitwise、Chia Network、Gitcoin、Superrare、Anchor Protocol、FEI、Axelar、Polymarket、Unstoppable Domains、Alchemy、01Labs、DyDx...

2024-07-18 11:22:17

7x24 Newsflash

13:24 2025-03-22
13:24 2025-03-22
据 Farside 监测数据,本周美国比特币现货 ETF 累计净流入 7.443 亿美元,5 个交易日均为资金净流入状态。
13:15 2025-03-22
据Cointelegraph报道,Nansen研究分析师Nicolai Sondergaard表示,尽管加密货币领域出现了大量积极进展,但全球关税担忧仍将持续给市场带来压力,在关税相关问题得到解决之前,风险资产可能缺乏方向,这可能发生在4月2日至7月之间,若关税问题得到解决将为市场带来积极的催化剂。
13:12 2025-03-22
PumpSwap 上线首日交易量 66.8 万美元,仅占 Raydium 的 0.2%
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,PumpSwap 在上线首个 24 小时内表现如下: 交易量:66.8 万美元,在 Solana 生态 DEX 排名第 7; TVL(总锁仓价值):2149 万美元; 与主流 DEX 相比,PumpSwap 目前规模仍然较小: 交易量仅占 Raydium 的 0.2%、Uniswap 的 0.04%、PancakeSwap 的 0.03%; TVL 仅占 Raydium 的 1.87%、Uniswap 的 0.54%、PancakeSwap 的 1.28%。
13:09 2025-03-22
据Arkham监测数据显示,灰度比特币迷你信托基金今晨通过Coinbase Prime热钱包增持62.027枚BTC,价值约合519万美元。
12:54 2025-03-22
dYdX基金会在X平台发文宣布已完成DYDX质押委托再平衡,旨在支持dYdX Chain的安全性和弹性,促进活跃验证者质押权重更加均匀分布。 另据披露数据显示,截至3月21日,dYdX基金会共有约620万枚DYDX代币可用于基金会委托(Foundation Delegation)。
12:38 2025-03-22
蒙大拿州拟立法强化数字资产监管,2024 年全美诈骗损失已逾 125 亿美元
据 报道,美国蒙大拿州正加速推进数字资产监管框架,以应对加密货币欺诈激增态势。州证券与保险专员詹姆斯·布朗援引联邦贸易委员会数据称,2024 年全美诈骗损失达 125 亿美元,同比增幅达 25%,其中老年群体因人口占比居全美第六位成为主要受害目标。 布朗支持州议会审议的《网络代币监管法案》,该提案将授权监...
12:35 2025-03-22
12:17 2025-03-22
据Cointelegraph报道,Nansen 研究分析师 Nicolai Sondergaard 表示,尽管加密货币领域出现了大量积极进展,但全球关税担忧仍将持续给市场带来压力,在关税相关问题得到解决之前,风险资产可能缺乏方向,这可能发生在 4 月 2 日至 7 月之间,若关税问题得到解决将为市场带来积极的催化剂。
11:59 2025-03-22
据The Data Nerd在X平台发文称,很明显Wintermute是$MUBARAK做市商,其钱包持有约7768.8万枚$MUBARAK代币,价值96.6万美元。此外,Wintermute还持有:1640亿枚$BABYDOGE、188.2亿枚$CAT、以及454.9万枚$TUT。
11:41 2025-03-22
11:36 2025-03-22